Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Savior vs Lord

Savior- one who saves another from danger or harm

Lord- One possessing great power and authority, owner

Is it enough to call Jesus my savior if I do not also call Him my Lord? If he has truly saved me from the horrible consequences of my sin, both in this life and the next, do I not owe Him my total allegiance? My sin condemned me to guilt and sorrow in this world and certain death in the world to come. He paid the price for my freedom in both. All He asks in return is my faithfulness and obedience. Is this really too high a price to pay?
But do I treat Him as Lord? Do I recognize that He truly has great power? Do my actions reveal that I believe this or do I worry that He won’t take care of my needs as He promised? Do I recognize His authority over my life? Do I obey Him immediately or do I argue and whine and put off doing what I know I should? Do I accept that He has purchased me with His own blood and that I belong to Him to do with as He pleases? Do I place His goals and plans for me ahead of my own desires? Do I trust Him to do what is best for me even when it doesn’t look like it to me?

When I stand before Him, will my actions have demonstrated that I have the right to call Him Lord?