Friday, February 16, 2007


Psalm 71:14
But I will hope continually,
and will yet praise thee more and more.

Do we praise God more even as we are waiting because we know He will not let our hope be in vain OR do we wait until our hope has been fulfilled and then praise Him more and more? Not what SHOULD we do, but what do we actually do? Do we continue to hope even when there is no natural reason to do so? Does our hope continue day by day unabated or does our hope wax and wane with our feelings?
What is our hope based on in the first place? Our dreams? Our desires? God’s word? Something someone told us? What is our hope based on, what is its foundation? Is it worth the energy and time that we are investing in it?
Is it backed by scripture? Is it in agreement with scripture? When we look back with the long hindsight view of eternity, will it still be important then? Will what we are hoping for bring glory to God and please Him?

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